Johnny McGregor

Johnny McGregor
Te Ātiawa, Ngāti Rārua

Johnny has a strong focus on people, legacy and purpose. He serves on a number of boards and expert advisory groups representing Māori at regional and national levels, and is a former executive member of the Federation of Māori Authorities.


Johnny’s professional qualifications include a Masters in Education Research, and his experience includes working for Foreign Affairs & Trade, Treasury, NZQA, and as CEO of an international consulting company focused on human capital development and social infrastructure.


While he lives in Wellington, Johnny spends much of his time in Te Tauihu, and is Chair of Wakatū Incorporation.


Johnny is a member of Ngā Uri and a descendant of the tūpuna determined by the Native Land Court 1892 as the original customary owners of the Nelson Tenths’ Reserves.

Working Group

Legal Team