He Kaupapa
Tikanga, reconnection and wellbeing
The whānau of Wakatū have an intergenerational 500-year vision – Te Pae Tawhiti – which sees us through to 2512. Te Pae Tawhiti was created by whānau and in particular led by rangatahi, over the course of two years, via a series of hui and wānanga.
It is a declaration of our fundamental values, common goals and guiding objectives that will ensure our success and create a strong identity now and in the future.
Enhancing our taonga for future generations
At the heart of Te Pae Tawhiti is our overarching purpose to preserve and enhance our taonga for the benefit of current and future generations.
Whānau, one of our five hoe (paddles), ensures that we are connected to our history and purpose, and with open hearts and minds we carry forward the legacy of our tūpuna, creating the space for others to join and contribute to the journey.
In 2018, we established our whakapapa and tikanga programme, Te Rākau Pakiaka.
Whakapapa, history, and the Nelson Tenths Reserves
This programme is designed to empower our whānau to learn more about their whakapapa and history, and in particular, the history of the Nelson Tenths Reserves and the background which led to the Supreme Court case.
We hold regular wānanga, hui and roadshows around the motu to kōrero with our whānau, and provide them with an opportunity to share their whakaaro about our Making the Tenths Whole strategy.
Images: Whānau delve into whakapapa, history, and background of the Nelson Tenths’ Reserves through the wānanga Te Rākau Pakiaka.