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“Whakapapa runs deep. What happened to our families was a burden and responsibility we carried with us across time and space. Now we want to rekindle the fires for all of our people that left and bring them back home to make the whānau whole.”

Rōpata Taylor



Reconnecting whānau to whenua is integral to Making the Tenths Whole.


Te Here-ā-Nuku is about our commitment to find and reconnect whānau who whakapapa to the Nelson Tenths and to empower them to learn more about their whakapapa and history.


If you believe you whakapapa to any of the tūpuna identified on the Native Land Court list, 1892, we warmly welcome you to make contact via the form below.


View Native Land Court list by iwi grouping.


Please complete as many details on the form as possible. Once, completed, a member of the team will be in touch.


What happens once I complete the form?


All whakapapa forms and enquiries are managed by the Wakatū Incorporation Te Tahuhu (history, research and whakapapa) team.


The team, consisting of Celia Hippolite, Haylee Solomon, LeeAnne Hawea-Te Hira and Sarah Wilson, have been collectively researching the history and whakapapa of the customary owners of the Nelson Tenths for 15 years.


They can assist with any matter relating to whakapapa and connection to whānau and whenua in Te Tauihu. 

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Contact Details

Please select the iwi that you belong to (select all that apply)

If you’re able to identify whānau members who connect you to your tūpuna identified on the Native Land Court List, 1892, please complete them in the fields below.

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How did you find out about this Whakapapa Form
e.g. Whānau, friends