“Make the whānau whole:” Rōpata Taylor

At its core, Stafford v Attorney-General is about reconnecting whānau and returning our people to the position we ought to have been in if the Crown had fulfilled its promise in 1845.


This powerful statement by Rōpata Taylor, Ngāti Rārua, Te Ātiawa, Ngāti Tama, Ngāti Koata, encapsulates these aspirations.


With few resources it seemed unlikely we could ever break the cycle of poverty. The departure of so many [of our people] had profound consequences for our whānau, as the connection to Te Tauihu, to one other, became tenuous.


However, although the fires dimmed, they were never fully extinguished.


Whakapapa runs deep – and what had happened to our families, to us, was a burden and responsibility we carried with us across time and space.


Now we want to rekindle the fires for all of our people that left and bring them back home to ‘make the whānau whole’.


More about Rōpata Taylor

Waiata and karakia at the hearing

Every morning at 9.30am, whānau and supporters will be gathering outside the courtroom for karakia and waiata.


We extend a warm invitation to all whānau and supporters to join us.


Here is the Wakatū Karakia and waiata resource (PDF) to help build confidence in singing waiata at mihi whakatau or pōwhiri and to assist you in using a karakia to open or close a hui, meeting, or bless kai.


Whānau are welcome to bring their own karakia and waiata to share, too.


Thank you for your support.

Wellington High Court hearing: Details for whānau and supporters

Our High Court hearing will be held in Wellington from 14 August 2023 and is scheduled to run for approximately ten weeks.

Here are a few key details:


Date: 14 August 2023 – October 2023


Address: Wellington High Court, 2 Molesworth Street, Wellington


Parking: Parking is not available at the High Court, however there is a number of paid parking options in the area. Parking options close to the High Court.


Seating: The Wellington High Court has limited seating capacity. To help us understand numbers, we kindly ask whānau and supporters to let us know if you plan to be at the hearing in person, and the days you plan to attend, by emailing korero@wakatu.org.


Karakia: We will have karakia throughout the hearing, and the arrangements for this will be advised by our kaumātua closer to the hearing.


Livestream: For those who are unable to join us in person, we are in the process of arranging livestream links to watch online.


Staying updated: We will be providing regular pānui updates and posts on social media to ensure whānau and supporters are kept up-to-date throughout the duration of the hearing.


Questions about the hearing: Please get in touch with the team by email at korero@wakatu.org or phone 03 539 3413.