Whānau update hui March 2025 – Postponed

Whānau update hui March 2025 – Postponed


**Please note that these whānau update hui are postponed.**


As you know, the decision we received from the High Court in October 2024 was an interim decision. We had hoped to have the final decision from the Court by this point to share with you, but there is a considerable amount of information still being worked through and finalised with the Crown. Once we have the final decision, we’ll be better placed to update you comprehensively on the kaupapa and next steps, and to answer your pātai.  Ngā mihi nui for your support.




Te Here-ā-Nuku: What’s in store in 2025?

Te Here-ā-Nuku: What’s in store in 2025?


At the end of October 2024, a year after the conclusion of our ten-week High Court hearing in Wellington, Justice Edwards released her decision regarding Stafford v Attorney-General. The decision went in our favour on the majority of key points, including:


  • That the Crown breached its fiduciary duties to the customary owners
  • That the customary owners suffered loss as a result of these breaches
  • That the plaintiff is entitled to relief in the form of the return of land, and compensation

The Court ordered the return of trust property still held by the Crown (within the Nelson, Tasman and Golden Bay area), amounting to at least 10,000 acres, as well as compensation for the losses incurred, with the final monetary award yet to be decided.


Unfortunately, despite now having the weight of both the Supreme Court and High Court decisions against them, the Crown appealed the decision on almost every point.


In order to protect our legal position, kaumātua Rore Stafford, the plaintiff, filed a cross-appeal in response.


2025 will therefore likely see further litigation, and will be another crucial year in our commitment to hold the Crown to account around the Nelson Tenths Reserves.


  • Negotiation: In the next few months we expect to receive the Court’s final judgment regarding the areas of Crown land to be returned to the customary Māori owners, and compensation. Once the judgment is finalised and we have all of the relevant decisions, we will once again request a meeting with the Attorney-General and other ministers to negotiate the implementation of the High Court decision.


  • Litigation: We will be preparing for a hearing in the Appellate Court, despite our strong preference being to end the litigation and to resolve this dispute out of court. It could take some time before the appeal is heard and will require considerable time and budget to prepare for. The Crown’s continued defence is funded by the taxpayer, and the liability increases each day that the land remains in the Crown’s possession.


  • Remedy: We will continue preparations for the return and future management of the taonga on behalf of Ngā Uri. In March we will hold a series of hui around the motu to connect and update whānau. More information to come.


  • Human rights: We are continuing our work around human rights, which aims to ensure an international focus is kept on the kaupapa and on the NZ government’s approach. Specifically, we have submitted a report to request that Te Here-ā-Nuku is included in an impending United Nations review of NZ’s compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.


  • Whakapapa, connection and engagement: We will be continuing our work to find and reconnect whānau who whakapapa to the Nelson Tenths and to empower them to learn more about their whakapapa and history.


Please continue to follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram and share our posts and pages to help us raise awareness of this crucial kaupapa.


Crown appeal and our next steps

At the end of October, the High Court released its decision regarding Stafford v Attorney General. The decision was strongly in our favour with the Court finding:


  • That the Crown breached its fiduciary duties to the customary owners of the Nelson Tenths Reserves
  • That the customary owners suffered loss as a result of these breaches
  • That the plaintiff, kaumātua Rore Stafford, who represents the customary owners, is entitled to relief in the form of the return of land, and compensation


Read more here


Crown appeal


Since then, the Crown has lodged an appeal against the High Court’s decision. While this is deeply disappointing, it’s not a huge surprise given that the Crown has so far fought this case at every turn.


The Crown has appealed on almost every point, even arguments which we believe have no factual or legal defence.


For instance, in the High Court the Crown argued that its fiduciary duties to reserve the Tenths and exclude the Occupation Lands did not require it to actually achieve those outcomes, just to act with loyalty and good faith.


This is despite the Supreme Court in 2017 finding that the Crown had a duty to “reserve 15,100 acres for the benefit of the customary owners and, in addition, to exclude their pā, urupā and cultivations from the land obtained by the Crown following the 1845 Spain award.”


The High Court dismissed this argument, but the Crown has resurrected it on appeal.


There are many other examples like this in the Crown’s appeal.


Next steps | Our cross appeal


Our strong preference was not to appeal the decision, given we were largely successful in the High Court. Since the Crown has appealed, however, Uncle Rore as the plaintiff representing the customary owners, is entitled to respond by filing a cross-appeal.


Uncle Rore, supported by the Working Group, considered a range of legal, political and strategic factors when deciding whether to cross appeal and on which points, as well as the likelihood of success and cost. After reviewing the different options, the Working Group made a unanimous decision to cross-appeal only the High Court’s decision not to award compound interest.


We see this as a straightforward legal argument: that compound interest represents a normal economic return consistent with the endowment purpose of the Tenths.


Our cross-appeal was filed last week.


Uncle Rore and the Working Group also decided to submit an application to ‘leapfrog’ the Court of Appeal and have the appeals heard directly by the Supreme Court. We’ve done this with the aim of achieving a final resolution more quickly.


We will be able to advise on the appeal process and timing once we receive a decision from the Supreme Court on the leapfrog application. This will be in the new year.


Our strong preference – negotiation


Our strong preference remains ending the litigation and resolving this dispute out of court directly with the government.


We have contacted the Attorney-General to meet directly with her, and we hope to do this early in the new year.





Crown lodges appeal against High Court decision

Crown lodges appeal against High Court decision


The Crown has lodged an appeal against the High Court’s decision.


We are deeply disappointed.


With strong Supreme Court and High Court decisions in our favour, we had hoped the Crown would see the sense in meeting us at the table to negotiate a pragmatic resolution to this long-standing injustice.


Instead, the Crown will use taxpayer money to continue fighting us in court.


This is not what we wanted, and it is heartbreaking to see justice delayed further for our whānau and our region.


We will now carefully consider our options.


Here are some early items of media coverage regarding the Crown’s decision to appeal.






Success in the High Court for customary owners

Success in the High Court for customary owners


The High Court has today released a strong decision in our favour regarding Stafford v Attorney General.


While there are still outstanding matters to decide, including the details of the award to be made, today’s judgment is ultimately a significant victory for Uncle Rore, the customary owners of the Nelson Tenths Reserves that he represents, and for all of us with a connection to the whenua at the heart of this issue.


It also upholds fundamental property rights that apply to every one of us in New Zealand.


In the words of the Judge, Edwards J:


“The Customary Owners are like any other private litigant and their right to relief should not be curtailed simply because the defendant is the Crown. The plaintiff’s claim is determined according to the law, unaffected by the political objectives of the other branches of government which sit outside the courtroom doors.”


The Te Here-ā-Nuku Working Group will take some time now to process the detail of the decision and decide next steps. We will keep you updated.


Thank you to all who have supported this kaupapa, and particularly those who supported the High Court proceedings in Wellington last year.


Read the full decision of the High Court and the summary decision below.


Complete High Court Judgement – Click here to view PDF


Summary of the High Court Judgement  – Click here to view PDF


Mike McRoberts, NBR, tells the story of the Nelson Tenths


Journalist Mike McRoberts joined us in Nelson to share the important story of the Nelson Tenths in his debut feature as Te Ao Māori Editor at National Business Review.


The story is behind the NBR paywall. Some of the key points it covers:


  • The failure of consecutive governments to resolve this issue
  • The Government’s decision to allocate $3.6m in the Budget for an appeal – before the High Court decision is even released
  • The emotional journey undertaken by the whānau to get to this point


Thank you to spokespeople kaumātua Rore Stafford, Kerensa Johnston and Jeremy Banks.


Thank you also to Xanthe Banks, 17, who spoke on behalf of the next generation with hope for justice in our case.


“It’s sad that we have to be a part of this. Our tūpuna have been fighting for this for so long. It feels like it should be over and we shouldn’t have to keep going through it.”



MEDIA RELEASE: Government plans Nelson Tenths appeal – before the decision is released


Government plans Nelson Tenths appeal – before the decision is released

The Government has allocated $3.6 million of taxpayer funds in the Budget to appeal the High Court’s forthcoming decision in the Nelson Tenths dispute, even though the Court’s decision has not yet been issued.


“It is incredibly disappointing that funding has been allocated to continue to fight the case, rather than enter into a dialogue about how it can be resolved,” says Kerensa Johnston, CEO of Wakatū Incorporation, which supports the customary Māori owners in this case.


“Planning an appeal before the decision is released risks undermining the process and is a deeply disheartening approach.”


The Budget allocation is designated for Te Arawhiti, the Office for Māori Crown Relations, and follows the $5 million allocated last year to contest the Māori customary owners’ claims in court.


This defence continues despite a 2017 Supreme Court ruling establishing the Crown’s legal duty regarding the Nelson Tenths land.


“It’s been a prolonged struggle for justice for us,” Ms Johnston said. “It is particularly disappointing that the Office for Māori-Crown Relations, which was set up to foster good faith engagement with Māori, is instead funding legal battles against us.”


Ms Johnston said that the Māori customary owners had expected the Government to honour the 2017 Supreme Court ruling. Over the years, including since the election of New Zealand’s coalition Government, they had sought to meet with the responsible ministers to resolve the case in a principled and pragmatic manner, only to be consistently refused.


“But, despite the challenges, despite everything that has happened, we still maintain our hope that the Crown will do the right thing,” Ms Johnston said.


“Attorney-General Judith Collins KC is the defendant in our case, on behalf of the Crown. We have requested a meeting with the Attorney-General to discuss a positive resolution of this case, which we believe will be of benefit to all in our region.”



Why is our case a private law claim and not a Waitangi Tribunal claim?

Why is our case a private law claim and not a Waitangi Tribunal claim?


The Nelson Tenths case was originally filed with the Waitangi Tribunal as Wai 56. But due to a change in Government policy in 2008, the Crown refused to continue dealing with us as a claimant.


This decision led to our pursuit of a private law claim to fight for justice for the customary Māori owners of the Nelson Tenths Reserves.


These legal proceedings have now been underway for more than 14 years.


Here are the key events surrounding our decision to purse a private legal case:


  • In June 1988, Rore Stafford and Hohepa Solomon filed a claim with the Waitangi Tribunal seeking redress for the Crown’s failure to protect and reserve the Nelson Tenths Reserves. It was registered as Wai 56.


  • In 2005, Tainui Taranaki iwi and Wakatū Incorporation, kaitiaki of the Tenths, agreed to negotiate claims against the Crown together.


  • Although Wai 56 was heard by the Tribunal as part of its wider Te Tauihu settlement enquiries, Wai 56 was a separate claim, seeking a distinct settlement.


  • In 2008, a National Government was elected. Chris Finlayson replaced Michael Cullen as Attorney-General. Soon after, the Crown’s policy toward claimant groups changed. The Crown’s new policy was to negotiate settlements of historical claims with ‘large natural groups of tribal interests’, as opposed to individual hapū or whānau groups.


  • Wakatū Incorporation – a whānau and hapū-based organisation – was no longer considered by the Crown as part of the mandated body to negotiate Treaty settlements in Te Tauihu.


  • In 2008, the Waitangi Tribunal issued the Te Tauihu claims Report. The report found breaches of the principles of the Treaty, including in relation to the Tenths reserves.


  • Despite a clear history of our attempts to keep Wai 56 distinct from the other Te Tauihu settlement claims, the Crown’s position was that the Wai 56 claim was included in the wider settlement with iwi.


  • In 2009, Wakatū was concerned that the Crown would sign a deed of settlement with the four Tainui Taranaki iwi, but not with Wakatū Incorporation, potentially seeing the Nelson Tenths neglected in any settlement.


  • In December 2009, Wakatū returned to the Tribunal for an urgent hearing to try to resolve this disagreement and to fight for Wai 56 to proceed. The Waitangi Tribunal declined to intervene.


  • With the Waitangi Tribunal no longer available as an avenue for redress, Wakatū Incorporation had little option but to formulate a legal claim, eventually opting for to proceed with a private law, breach of trust claim that was not barred by the statute of limitations.


  • In May 2010, Wakatū filed these proceedings in the High Court and, despite significant obstacles along the way, have continued with litigation to this day.


  • In 2017 the Supreme Court ruled in our favour, determining that the Crown had fiduciary duties to the customary Māori owners of the Nelson Tenths Reserves.


  • On the matter of our pursuing a private law case, the Supreme Court decision stated:

“The Wai 56 claimants and Wakatū had throughout sought a distinct settlement of the grievances about the tenths reserves and had issued proceedings only when it became clear that expectation would not be met by the Crown.”


  • The Supreme Court also ruled that kaumātua Rore Stafford had standing to represent the customary Māori owners. Kaumātua Rore Stafford remains the representative of the customary Māori owners of the Nelson Tenths Reserves in our ongoing battle for justice.



Making the Tenths Whole: what’s in store in 2024?

Making the Tenths Whole: what’s in store in 2024?

Following the completion last year of our High Court hearing Stafford v Attorney-General, 2024 will be another crucial year in our commitment to hold the Crown to account to make good on its agreement around the Nelson Tenths Reserves.

  • In the next few months, we expect to receive the judgement from the High Court. This will be an extensive document that outlines and explains the Court’s decision regarding the outstanding matters in our case – that is, the extent of the Crown’s breach and any remedies to be awarded. While either party could appeal the decision, there must be good legal or factual grounds to do so. We hope for a strong decision that encourages the responsible ministers – in particular Attorney-General Judith Collins – to meet with us to negotiate a resolution in the best interest of all parties, rather than continuing with costly and drawn-out litigation.
  • With that in mind, we have written to Prime Minister Christoper Luxon, Attorney-General Judith Collins and Māori Development Minister Hon Tama Potaka requesting a meeting and highlighting our case as a significant matter that needs to be addressed during this term of government.


  • In anticipation of the Judge’s decision, we will be undertaking an important piece of work to determine and establish an entity to receive the trust property. The beneficiaries of the trust, Ngā Uri, will decide on the appropriate model for this entity. While the final model won’t be determined until the size and scale of the trust property is clear, we will be starting to seek input and feedback over the coming months.
  • We will be continuing our work to find and reconnect whānau who whakapapa to the Nelson Tenths and to empower them to learn more about their whakapapa and history.

We know many of our whānau have been alienated from their whenua and whakapapa due to the Crown’s breaches of their legal duties. Reconnecting whānau with their whakapapa is, therefore, a crucial element of Making the Tenths Whole.


  • We are pursuing avenues to show that the Crown’s historic and ongoing actions with regards the Nelson Tenths Reserves constitute a breach of human rights. These violations can be considered under the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), and the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 (NZBORA). We will share more on this mahi in due course.

Please continue to follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram and share our pages to help us raise awareness of this crucial kaupapa.


Closing arguments: What the Crown said, what we said

This is a summary of some of the Crown’s closing arguments in Stafford v Attorney-General, and what we put to the Crown in our reply.


  1. The Crown says there have been no breaches, and it doesn’t need to return a single acre or pay a single dollar.

We say that’s a heavy-handed way to avoid the ultimate question: what happened to our lands that the Crown kept hold of?


  1. The Crown says kōrero tuku iho is ‘hearsay’ that should be given limited weight as evidence.


We say this dismisses and undermines the value of our cultural knowledge, history and kōrero, which is recognised by the courts, and was presented by our expert witnesses over the course of the 10-week hearing.


  1. The Crown’s site-by-site analysis of the occupation lands barely takes customary evidence into account.


We say by ignoring customary evidence, they’re only looking at half the picture. Kōrero tuku iho speaks of the whānau who lived and continue to live on our whenua. It illuminates evidence in ways that documentary and third party evidence and records cannot.


  1. The Crown says they can’t have confidence in the boundaries of the occupation sites.

We say the onus was on the Crown to cross examine our evidence on boundaries – but it failed to do so. Our evidence was supported by tikanga and by world-renowned experts in this area.


  1. The Crown says it can’t pin down cultural lands and papakāinga in any one place because the historical record is unclear.


We say that by standing back to look at the overall picture and then weaving the different historical and customary strands of evidence together, you understand the pattern of settlement across Western Te Tauihu and how our whānau lived on the land. The historical and contemporary record is clear.


  1. The Crown says the Customary Owners are “the same people” as the iwi with whom the Crown settled across all of Te Tauihu.


We say this is misleading and nuanced in a way the Crown failed to comprehend.  This case is brought by the customary owners of specific areas of land only in Western Te Tauihu.  It is about those whānau who whakapapa to those particular areas of land. It is a private law case about property rights, not a Treaty or iwi-wide claim. This has been clear from the outset, and formed the basis of the Supreme Court’s decision in 2017.


  1. The Crown says our case is a circumstantial one based largely on ‘hearsay’.


We say this is wrong in principal and illogical in practice. As Ngā Uri, we know who we are and where our tūpuna lived – and this formed the basis of our evidence before the High Court. Our case was supported by a significant evidential base of customary evidence as well as documented history, expert reports and accounts.


