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Ngā Uri and the Native Land Court List, 1892

Ngā Uri – the beneficiaries of the Nelson Tenths claim – are the direct descendants of those tūpuna named on the Native Land Court List, 1892.


The 1892 Native Land Court list is the list that most accurately records those specific Tainui Taranaki tūpuna of Ngāti Rārua, Te Ātiawa, Ngāti Tama and Ngāti Kōata who held customary title to the land at the time of the New Zealand Company purchase in 1841.


It identifies those tūpuna who were on the land when the New Zealand Company arrived in Nelson and who met with New Zealand Company officials to agree to the establishment of Nelson.


It is our most comprehensive and conclusive record, constructed by our whānau at the time and subsequently confirmed by the Native Land Court’s determination.


The validity of the list to determine the customary owners was recognised by the Waitangi Tribunal.


View the names on the Native Land Court List, 1892:


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